DLL Sniffer v1.0 for VisualBasic/Win ---------------- Ever arrived at a customer's with a gleaming, wonderful, absolutely bug-free new program you wrote, only to find that you couldn't run it because you forgot this itty-bitty little (but oh-so-relevant) .DLL at home? No more frustrating experiences: DLL Sniffer is a quick & dirty program which will sniff out all Declare's for external Subs and Functions (those loaded from DLL's and system libraries) in your source code and list them. Just click the "Sniff..." button. You'll be presented with a standard open dialog (uses CMDIALOG.VBX, included, and COMMDLG.DLL, included with Windows 3.1, which should be in the program's directory, your path or the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory). You can select any .BAS (VB modules), .GLO (global modules) or .TXT files which you think might contain Declare statements. Multiple files can be selected by Shift-clicking (for contiguous selection) or Cntrl-clicking (for non-contiguous selection). All files need to be plain-vanilla text files (don't even _think_ of selecting .FRM or .MAK files). I threw this program together quickly as a tool for myself, and if you find it useful - well: go ahead, use it. DLL Sniffer v1.0 is JokeWare, which means it's (c) 1992 by Dave Th. Hutmacher, Zurich/Switzerland, CIS 100012,74, but you're free to use it on a non-commercial basis. All I ask is to receive your favorite joke via E-mail. All disclaimers apply and I can't be held responsible if all the clocks in your house start going backwards after using DLL Sniffer for the first time. Planned Version 1.1 improvements: --------------------------------- If anyone can give me a hint on the format of VB's .MAK files, I'll write the addition to dig through .MAK's to find out what .VBX files need to be included for program distribution. I mean: now that we have the .DLL problem under wraps... Dave Th. Hutmacher CIS 100012,74